a H.R. Giger of First thought: Zerberus, he could be a good dog, a dog that is sometimes a bit much, but a good dog, that's what he could be. Second thought: Damn tank, damn sword, damn culture of war - all the damn stuff that forces me to run around fully armored. Third thought: ZERRRRBERUS, he's one of us, like me, one of those guys who was handed a sword without being asked. Gap in thoughts: Panting Fourth thought: OOOO ZERRREBERUSSS, Hades, he's really just like us, he just acts tough and strong on the outside. Gap in thoughts: Panting, panting Fifth thought: Let's be honest: He doesn't really act like that anymore, he lets others act, he uses us as figures who play his strength and size without him having to show himself. Sixth thought: Oh Zerberus, the life of another, that's what our lives have in common. Oh Zerberus, dog, you are doomed to live in the world of another because of your nature. Dogs don't have their own cultural problems, they just carry the ones that are attached to them. Gap in thoughts: Stop briefly, pant twice and then keep running.